...Staying In is the new Going Out...

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Premier Wine Tastings offers...

We offer informal wine tastings that can take place at the home and also formal events elsewhere, if required. The usual format would be to have 10 wines to taste, all of different grape varieties, which can be 5 white and 5 red, all one grape colour or more specific grape types. We can be totally flexible depending on the client's preferences. We can also have a competition to guess the wine grapes being tasted, to add a little more fun and purpose to the evening.

Wine TastingThe aim of the evening is to provide a better understanding of how to smell, taste and assess a wine, provide general tasting notes and explanations about each of the wines and to make the guests more comfortable about assessing and commenting on wine without having the low-confidence feeling that often occurs at larger formal evenings.

We would recommend some discussion between us and the client to specify and clarify any particular requirements to suit the client's preferences.

Tasting Packages...

  • Silver Package

    £10 per person. Wines from £5-8

  • Gold Package

    £15 per person. Wines from £8-11

  • Platinum Package

    £25 per person. Wines from £12+

What's included...

  • Wines

    Typically, there would be 12-13 wines in total for a group of 10 people.

  • Glasses are provided

  • Grape variety guides

  • Other helpful information

For further information, contact can be made here